Sex is Messy-Enjoy the Mess
We all want ecstatic sex but are we willing to go for it? How do we:
- lose our self-consciousness,
- let down our barriers
- allow ourselves to indulge in true ecstacy
How do we build up our own confidence and choose to make love to people who adore us in these messy moments?
The journey is ongoing and begins whenever you say “let’s go”.
The journey is ongoing and begins whenever you say “let’s go”.
3 things you can do right now:
- Be naked! Dance, move, enjoy your naked self. For a few minutes each day just be naked.
- Heighten your senses! Feel each drop of water in the shower. On your head, on your back, on your feet. How does the raining water make your skin feel?
- Let your hair down. Stop pulling out that scrunchie every time you venture south. Flip your hair to one side and let it be messy.
Learn to love your messy selves. There’s a connection that deepens when you adore the mess.
Want to know more? Ready to begin your journey to ecstacy? Schedule a free call with me here.
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